Return and Refund policy

  • Please inspect all orders upon receipt. We do not accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations at this time. However, if there is an error with your order please contact us within 3 business days of delivery date directly at

  • We reserve the right to cancel orders.

  • All orders are shipped via USPS Priority Mail with Express Mail option available for an additional fee. Items marked Delivered by USPS are considered delivered. If for some reason, your tracking shows “Item Delivered” and you still have not received it, please reach out to your local USPS location for them to locate the package. DFR is not responsible for packages once they leave DFR. Please contact USPS for delayed or missing packages so they can trace your package.

  • ALL ORDERS RETURNED TO SENDER WILL INCUR A 25% RESTOCK FEE And FORFEIT OF SHIPPING EXPENSES. Please verify shipping information at time of checkout.